5.8. Chief Road sectionΒΆ

ChiefRoadSectionParser is responsible for parsing N_Chief_Road section. Every object listed in Chiefs section has own route described in own N_Chief_Road section, where N is the sequence number within Chiefs section.

Section example:

  21380.02 41700.34 120.00 10 2 3.055555582046509
  21500.00 41700.00 120.00
  50299.58 35699.85 120.00 0 3 2.6388890743255615
  60284.10 59142.93 120.00
  84682.13 98423.69 120.00

Output example:

    'route_0_Chief': [
            pos=Point2D(21380.02, 41700.34),
            pos=Point2D(21500.00, 41700.00),
            pos=Point2D(50299.58, 35699.85),
            pos=Point2D(60284.10, 59142.93),
            pos=Point2D(84682.13, 98423.69),


Each line in N_Chief_Road section describes a single waypoint. There are two types of waypoints: created by user and created automatically by full mission editor.

The output of the parser is a dictionary with route_N_Chief item which is a list of GroundRoutePoint.

Manually created waipoints have 6 parameters, while auto-created ones have only 3 of them. The last waypoint always has 3 parameters, and it is always defined by user. So, don’t get mislead.

The purpose of intermediate auto-created waypoints is to create the most efficient route:

  1. vehicles tend to move by roads, by bridges, and by the most flat terrains;
  2. trains can move only by rails; intermediate points are created at the points where the direction is changed;
  3. ships tend to follow coastlines and river banks if they come to them close enough.

Let’s examine a description of a waypoint which was created manually by user. It has all parameters included:

21380.02 41700.34 120.00 10 2 3.055555582046509

X coordinate.

Output path:pos.x
Output type:float
Output value:original value converted to float number

Y coordinate.

Output path:pos.y
Output type:float
Output value:original value converted to float number

This is the quite strange parameter. The true meaning is not known, but its value depends on the type of surface the point is located on. Also, the value is specific for different types of units:

  1. Vehicles: the value for all manual waypoints is set to 120.0. the value for auto-created waypoint can be set to 20.0 or 120.0. The former value tells that the point in located on the road. The latter one tells that the point is located in the off-road. Negative values tell about start or end of a bridge. Usually, negative values come in pairs.
  2. Trains: all waypoints have the value of 20.0. This means that trains can move only by railways. Negative values tell about start or end of a bridge. Usually, negative values come in pairs.
  3. Ships: all waypoints have the value of 120.0. This means that ships can move only by water.
Output path:this value is not present in the output.

Delay (in minutes): this parameter tells how much a unit have to wait until it starts movement to the next user-defined point.

Output path:delay
Output type:int
Output value:original value converted to integer number

Section length. Here section means current user-defined waypoint, next user-defined point and all intermediate points between them.

Output path:section_length
Output type:int
Output value:original value converted to integer number

The speed of the unit at the current point of the route. This parameter is set automatically by full mission editor depending on the unit type. Multiply value by CHIEF_SPEED_COEFFICIENT to get speed in km/h.

Output path:speed
Output type:float
Output value:original value converted to float number and multiplied by CHIEF_SPEED_COEFFICIENT.

We decided to mark each user-defined waypoint as a checkpoint (except the last one).

Output path:is_check_point
Output type:bool
Output value:True if point defines start of a section, False if it is an intermediate point or the last point