5.7. Chiefs section

ChiefsSectionParser is responsible for parsing Chiefs section. It describes moving objects or their groups. Each of them is defined on a separate line. There are 4 types of moving objects:

  1. usual vehicles;
  2. armored vehicles;
  3. trains;
  4. ships.

First 3 types have same list of parameters. Ships have some extra parameters.

Section example:

  0_Chief Armor.1-BT7 2
  1_Chief Vehicles.GAZ67 1
  2_Chief Trains.USSR_FuelTrain/AA 1
  3_Chief Ships.Niobe 2
  4_Chief Ships.G5 1 60 3 2.0

Output example:

    'moving_units': [
            'id': '0_Chief',
            'code': '1-BT7',
            'type': UnitTypes.armor,
            'belligerent': Belligerents.blue,
            'id': '1_Chief',
            'code': 'GAZ67',
            'type': UnitTypes.vehicle,
            'belligerent': Belligerents.red,
            'id': '2_Chief',
            'code': 'USSR_FuelTrain/AA',
            'type': UnitTypes.train,
            'belligerent': Belligerents.red,
            'id': '3_Chief',
            'code': 'Niobe',
            'type': UnitTypes.ship,
            'belligerent': Belligerents.blue,
            'id': '4_Chief',
            'code': 'G5',
            'type': UnitTypes.ship,
            'belligerent': Belligerents.red,
            'hibernation': 60,
            'skill': Skills.ace,
            'recharge_time': 2.0,


The output of the parser is a dictionary with moving_units element. It contains a list of dictionaries containing information about each object.

5.7.1. Common parameters

Let’s examine common parameters using first line from example above:

0_Chief Armor.1-BT7 2

Object’s ID. Contains Chief word prefixed by a sequence number. This ID identifies a moving object or a group of them. In latter case, events log will contain this code followed by an in-group number of an object, e.g.:

[5:25:14 PM] 0_Chief9 destroyed by 1_Chief2 at 11149.903 43949.902

Here we can see that 9th object from group 0_Chief was destroyed by 2nd object from group 1_Chief.

Output path:id
Output type:str
Output value:original string value

Defines unit type and object’s code.

Output path:type
Output type:complex unit type constant
Output path:code
Output type:str
Output value:original string value

Code number of army the object belongs to.

Output path:belligerent
Output type:complex belligerents constant

5.7.2. Ships extra parameters

Ships have 3 extra parameters. Let’s see an example:

3_Chief Ships.G5 1 60 3 2.0

First 3 parameters are similar to the ones described above. The other parameters are:


Hibernation time (in minutes): during this time a ship will be inactive. After that it will start following own route.

Output path:hibernation
Output type:int
Output value:original value converted to integer number

Skill level of gunners managing anti-aircraft guns.

Output path:skill
Output type:complex skills constant

Recharge time (in minutes) of anti-aircraft guns of the ship.

Output path:recharge_time
Output type:float
Output value:original value converted to float number